MSU Thetas take pride in having one of the highest overall GPA’s across the entire Greek system each semester. We are proud to announce that we won the Academic Programing Award at the 2012 Greek Gala. The Beta Pi Thetas hold each other to very high standards, and continually work hard each semester to accomplish our academic goals. In order to keep up our grades, every Theta is required to attend a certain number of designated library study hours each semester.
Within our house, we have our own tutoring system for girls who need a bit of extra help. This system works very well because it allows those girls who are proficient in a certain subject area to help those others who may not be doing quite as well. Our Scholarship Chair coordinates our tutoring system and all of our scholarship activities. This position is held in very high regard and it is very important to the academic success of our house.
In addition to organizing library study hours and tutoring services, our Scholarship Chair also chooses a “Little Miss Theta” each week. The “Little Miss Theta” award is given out each week to a Theta who has shown extreme dedication and success on a particular exam or assignment. Scholarship is very important to our chapter, and we will strive to keep one of the strongest components of our house.